In the wake of today’s events, manufacturing technology is evolving. Smart Manufacturing is as much about people as it is about technology. It is perhaps that it may start as a technology discussion but there are so many issues here that can become part of the dialog. Digital transformation stems from the issues which are related to the workforce and how generational shifts need to occur. There are mainly three key people-related discussions you can have with the companies so that they start to consider smart manufacturing. For maintenance tech gadgets contact: Tech Support
- How to replicate the knowledge which is retiring or dying
- How to visibly reduce the dependence on increasingly expensive labor,
- How to reduce the exposure of people to hazardous environments
- How to make the workplace smart and intelligent
How do you make it more engaging for the digital natives that are entering the workforce in these times?
Apart from all this, Smart Manufacturing is not just growing in technology it is helping them to do their job better. The pilot projects give the organizations the to gain buy-in from the people on the shop floor and they can see how it is improving. The analytics will become ingrained in MES functionality as process optimization.
The manufacturers who use Smart Manufacturing are breaking out of commodity markets to see the profitable translation from small lot-size orders. The process of industries’ manufacturing style is also being influenced by the way manufacturers are viewing production. Either way, the business needs of any manufacturer need to take the systems engineering approach to Digital transformation if they need to succeed in Smart Manufacturing.
But why modernize the data infrastructure and smart manufacturing?
Be it in discrete or process- smart manufacturing is essential to the long-term viability of the industry. Regardless of the manufacturing style, smart manufacturing is basically viewed as something important to deal with. With the current rate of digital transformation, the number of companies that want to be associated with Digital Transformation is rapidly increasing. They are seeing it as a necessity and a trend in the particular industry.
When you talk about modernizing the data infrastructure, there is a coming wave of IoT that will generate some vast amounts of data but mostly the companies are using some of the most outdated storage systems which are completely inadequate in today’s world. The IoT is revolutionizing the way of business and GE monitors its jet engines quite remotely to rectify and identify any potential breakdowns even before it happens. The homeowner is using a Google nest thermostat to check and control their air conditioning. The city government of Barcelona is trying to collect some real-time traffic information to help manage the parking woes and traffic congestion on the roads.
As you can see, the IoT wave is not just a trend, it is slowly becoming a necessity. This technology helps the companies to gather data using remote sensors that are already placed in the products, supply chains, etc. Then, this information helps companies to improve their products and services. According to Gartner, IoT will grow to include more than 8.4 billion objects worldwide in 2017. This smart technology can help to generate far more data than traditional software apps. The storage infrastructure is also pretty much sorted. By 2020, the IoT will include more than 20 billion objects around us.
Why does the automation matter?
To every business enterprise now, automation is critical to modern data architecture. Do you know that any company’s data storage takes up 30% of its expenditure? And about 85 percent of the same budget is spent on managing paper and copies which is a manual process that increases the headcount and operational expenses. This reduces quality. Hence, truly digital organizations should start to implement software-defined data management and automation. Automation helps to reduce costs and also the facilities in the integration of data centers.
How Spruik can be your one-stop solution for smart modern data infrastructure?
Spruik technologies know the manufacturing of the tech inside and out. They know how much value it is of aligning IT and OT. The tapping of talent and bringing them together into small teams to bring out the top expertise and then staying independent of just anyone single platform. They can help you in building the modern data infrastructure and then when you need to unleash the innovation and accelerate the throughput when controlling the costs. This is all done in a competitive spirit while it is still profitable to them.
Thus companies just need the right software tools and the best services to help them in smart manufacturing and smart data infrastructure. Spruik Technologies can give them exactly what they need. They mainly prioritize data recovery and business continuity.