![Boosting Sleep](https://maipuproduce.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Boosting-Sleep.jpg)
We heard about vitamins in building our body and boosting the muscles. But what if I tell you that a few sources of vitamin play an essential role in improving our sleep habits? Yes, this may seem surprising to many people but the fact is completely true. If you are excited to know which vitamin source helps you sleep better, then it’s vitamin D3.
Vitamin D3, which is also known as the sunshine vitamin, provides you proper sleep, rest and night. Thus, if you are facing sleep disorders due to excessive stress or vitamin D level has lowered, you should start taking the vitamin supplements available in the form of both powder and capsule.
The science behind vitamin D3 boosting sleep
Researchers have carried out various studies on how vitamin D3 can enhance sleep activities. Studies suggest that there is a connection between sleep and vitamin D levels. The results concluded that decreased levels of vitamin D resulted in increased fatigue, enhanced day-time sleep activities, and restlessness.
Furthermore, the hours of sleep time declined, which means a person got less time for sleeping. Secondly, it also reduced the sleep efficiency, It is a measure of sleep calculated on the time you fall asleep and the number of times you awake during the night. It also increased daytime sleepiness where a person feels more sleepy during the day resulting in tiredness.
In short, we can say that if you have vitamin D deficiency, you may face sleeplessness or cannot get enough sleep during the night. The outcome is that you become lazier and cannot perform your tasks properly.
Why Vitamin D3 Levels Have Lowered
Deficiency levels of vitamin D3 in populations across the globe are certainly surging. One of the major reasons for lower levels of vitamin D is probably our unhealthy lifestyle. You will agree with me that the majority of our day is spent inside the home and offices. We hardly get exposed to sunlight. And the sun is one of the most important vitamin D sources.
Thus, we have to get the best vitaminD3 supplement to fulfill that gap and increase the level sufficient enough to support body cells. In addition, you need to expose your skin to natural sunlight to get adequate hormones. Yes, the truth is that vitamin D3 is a hormone.
Further, a trial study was conducted where the individuals were given vitamin D according to their requirements. Vitamin D was seen to increase the mean to 26 ng/ml from 18.57 ng/mL. The result was that their sleep time was enhanced by 45 minutes.
How does it assist
The researchers also found that our brain has certain vitamin D receptors that control our sleep activity. In fact, vitamin D combines with these receptors to influence sleep. It means that if you have less vitamin D, they are not properly binding with the brain. As a result, the brain starts to function differently than expected.
Experts believe that normally vitamin D should range from 40 to 100 ng/mL. It means that if your level comes within this range, you are having a good sleep. But you also need to remember that there are a few other factors as well that affect your sleeping activity. You should also note that taking a vitamin D3 intake is not going to improve your sleep overnight.
How much vitamin D3 should you intake
Well, the next crucial question that comes to mind is how much vitamin D should we consume in a single day. The experts at Vitamin D Council suggest that a person should take vitamins according to his body weight. For example, the ideal recommendation would be 1000 IUs per 25 IBs of body weight every day.
The upper intake level (UL) of vitamin D set by the US Government is about 4000 IU per day. But some experts do not agree with this and the current consensus recommends it to 10,000 IU. This is considered a perfect level, which allows your skin to get maximum natural exposure to the sun. You can find out the vitamin D level by testing the body’s responses.
Sure, if you want to determine the level of vitamin D present in your body, I would suggest getting a blood test done. The intake will depend on the current level of the vitamin. It may change based on a few factors such as your weight, age, the color of the skin, health conditions, average sun exposure, and more.
An overdose of vitamin D is also risky as it may lead to a few complications such as headache and inflammation.
Major Vitamin D sources
It is difficult to get vitamin D sourced mainly from food. Hence, the sun is regarded as an ideal source of vitamin D. But you may find vitamin D in dairy products and fatty fish.
Summing it up
The researchers are still carrying out their research on the major benefits of vitamin D and how it plays an important role in boosting our sleep activity. But the key point is that if you want to improve your sleep at night, start taking vitamin D3 supplements only after consulting a doctor.